Friday, 23 December 2011

December 22nd 2011 - MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!!


Well it's upon us and today I'm going to be short and sweet and give you MY 12 tips of Christmas....

1.   If you "fall off the wagon" just jump straight back on. It's never too late to clean up your act. Don't just throw in the towel and eat your way through the whole day, then not bother with training because it's now a waste of time..... Next meal, clean it up !!! DO your training...

2.   You CHOOSE what you eat over Christmas !! You do not HAVE to eat pies, puddings and pounds of god knows what. You can simply choose (or make and take with you) a healthier option. Ham is great. We know lean ham is the bomb, ham and salad on the plate is not going to have people nagging you about being healthy.... dessert ??? "Oh I'll just have a tiny piece, I'm really full from dinner/lunch".... It's really not that hard.

3.   Try and keep up your habits. If you get up at 5am to train. Still try to do this. Or if you are choosing to have that special sleep in, still do your training when you do get up. Keep up with your normal habits.

4.   Still plan your meals ! If you know Aunty Jo is doing a massive lunch with every trimming under the sun have lighter meals the rest of the day. Easy.

5.   Drink PLENTY of water !!! Do I really need to discuss this further ?? Especially when you are boozing !!

6.   Set yourself goals. Eg "I am going to weigh in on the day after boxing day (and going by that measurement) I'm going to lose XX amount of kg's by XX time. My personal goals are to weigh 58kg before Christmas Day (on track :)), and then re-weigh myself on my return to Bali and get back to 58kg by Jan 16th.

7.   Treat yourself. Yes it is allowed :) I personally have a 4 pack of white choc topped fruit mince pies sitting in the fridge. They are waiting for Christmas Day...... so am I !! Love fruit mince pies and very happy they are not available all year round :)

8.   Set mini challenges and involve other people !!!. These tend to get you off the couch and out of bed. Currently I'm doing a 1000 squat & crunch challenge with the Darwin Crew. It started Monday and by Christmas we have to have 1000 squats and 1000 crunches done...... Sharing challenges with other people keeps you honest !!! I know I wouldn't be making as much of an effort if it wasn't for this little challenge. Maybe while I'm in Bali I'll set a distance challenge and make sure I walk a certain distance while I'm there.... or a certain amount of steps each day.... Will have to think about that one :)

9.   Know what you are drinking.... Some drinks have over 300cal in them.... Hello berry cider !!!!

10.  Remind yourself continually "Do I want to start next year behind where I'm finishing this year?". I know personally next year is creating a better version of this body... not trying to get this body back again :)

11.   DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE USE THE EXCUSE "IT'S CHRISTMAS" !!!! I know I'm doubling up on this one from my last post, but it is a killer !!! It covers everything from booze, not exercising, excessive eating, and it spreads like a disease !!! If I'm being lazy because "it's Christmas" I'll tend to say "oh put that down, you don't need to worry about it right now, here relax with me "it's Christmas"...... remember those words.... "It's Christmas" = EXCUSE !!!

12.   and number twelve on my twelve tips of Christmas is "Fridge Pickers Wear Big Knickers".... The fridge is a dangerous battleground.... I'm guilty of it, swiping a slice of ham, a chocolate, mince pie, nuts, you name it as I go pass. Or grab a bottle of water and a piece of chake miraculously appears in the hand as well... remember.... big knickers.... :)

Well gorgeous people.... that's it for this year. I'm going on holidays to Bali and have the best of intentions to stay as I am now, but the realist in me knows that cocktails will not help the situation. And I am going to employ as many tips as I can over there, but at the end of the day I am having as many darn watermelon/vodka cocktails as I want :)

So you won't hear from me until after the New Year :)

Stay safe, stay happy, stay fit, lean, strong and healthy - You deserve it !!!!

Mwah to you and your families


May you all be as Merry and Happy as my little Jacob this season :) - Merry Christmas Everyone !! XX

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Wednesday 14th December 2011

WELL !!!!!

So Round 3 has now officially finished and the finale is all over..... hmmmm.... on reflection I definitely could have done better. I set poor goals and didn't really be the best role model I could be. BUT, I am still happy that I maintained my physique which was my actual goal. I guess it depends on my mood whether I'm happy that I retained my bod or sad that I didn't really push my limits. In saying that I did push hard in my workouts but I could have done far far far better with food.... I wasn't serious enough, and after being inspired by other amazing people that also did Lean & Strong I have my drive back.... It's like a switch has flicked and as soon as I got back to Darwin it was all "game on" again for me.... well I do have some fixer upping to do from behaving like a teenager in Sydney.... Oh boy did I eat my way through Sydney.... I just wanted to taste test everything !!!! so I did !!! Definitely feeling it though... I was bloated for days and days and today after being back for 2 days I'm just starting to feel myself again.... and the tummy is flattening out again.... but I did enjoy my over indulgence.... I'm enjoying eating like an adult again much more though :).

Well there isn't much more to say about Round 3 for me.... except I feel like a hypocrite.... Mish recently asked the question about people talking the talk, but not walking the walk..... Well I trained like a demon, but I was always posting I ate this, or drank that etc etc.... I'm a little disappointed in myself to be honest, that is just not who I am at all. I am such a firm believer of action not talk..... I'm not sure what happened but now I can see what I did was just a poor version of me I've stopped the talk and started to be the over achieving healthy eating, training like a demon person I naturally am..... I'm back to being the role model I was when I finished Round 2 and tell you what !! It feels good...... SO watch out for me in Round 1 2012..... I'm going to whoop some booty !!!! LOL.....

Oh and I commit that I will be a better blogger :) I've been slack at blogging this Round just as much as I've not been the best role model in the nutrition department.....

So you'll hear from me at least once a week !! Lucky you !!! :)

This week lets talk Christmas..... yes yes yes !!! Now do you just throw your arms up and say the saying that I hear all the time "Oh I'll just have it, after all it is Christmas"...... Why does Christmas become an excuse to eat like a kid and not train.... Just 2 little words seem to stand in the way of healthy choices "It's Christmas"..... Very interesting.... Don't you think?.... Do you plan to stay healthy this Christmas ??? Well I'll share some tips with you.....

1. Keep "Christmas food to Christmas". Yep put down the fruit mince pies, cake, candy canes, chocolates, pudding, custard and anything else you know damn well you don't eat normally. Save it for Christmas and have a special day with treats.

2. If you can't train, add in incidental exercise - play with the kids, maybe every toilet break you lunge to the toilet :) or do squats while brushing your teeth. It all adds up and even though these may seem insignificant you're still lapping anyone else sitting on the couch.

3. Don't extend Christmas.... It's easy to lose the habits of a healthy lifestyle, don't forget how far you've come !!! It's just too easy to have just Boxing Day off... oh the gyms closed.... Oh just one more day.... I can imagine some excuses now, I've had a busy year and deserve a break, it's family time etc etc... Try not to get in the trap...

Well peeps, that is all for today. I'll update my stat spreadsheets and get something together for next week :)


Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Wednesday 23rd November 2011 (Round 3)

Well, boy oh boy, it has been a long time since I've updated.... where to start.....

The last few weeks (well most of this round actually) has been a little bit of a rollercoaster/bumpy ride. I've struggled a lot this round with food and am just truly being a rebelling teenager when it comes to my nutrition, but that in itself has had some good points come of it. Lets ignore the illnesses and butchered toes at this stage or other reasons I've had to miss training (as they are legit and not excuses so meh, can't help that, but the nutrition in inexcusable)

Although my weight has ventured continuously up and down and I'm generally heavier (for lack of a better word) than when I finished the last round at a mere 56kg. I look so so much better (so I've been told a number of times) I feel I look better as well. My cheeks are filled out again and as other people have pointed out, I just look healthier than just skinny. It's all good and well for me to say it's nice to be "slight" when I was.... but was it just that I've never truly been this thin in my life and I was just overcome with joy to buy clothes that fit ??? I thought I was happy at that weight, but now..... hmmmm.... not so sure.... would I prefer skinny or healthy ??? now to get to this new "healthy" look, I was actually unhealthy... eating what ever and how much I wanted, not all the time, but enough to have an effect..... I was surprised I could actually polish off some of the stuff I ate to be honest.... back to the good ole days..... hmmm... weren't actually so good after all thinking back..... I've put on about a kg of muscle too this round which I'm really happy about, but with the munch-a-thons I've also added some fat over them so right now I'm trying desperately to keep my size, but strip the fat off the muscles and get a bit of my definition back.... process is taking longer than I want, but Rome wasn't built in a day and now my nutrition is back under control, the results I'm after should be here in a few weeks.... not really in time for end of Round or the finale party, but my goal is Bali for Christmas and New Years and I should be comfortable to rock that bikini by then....

Hmmmm end of round.... I was beating..... negate..... flogging myself that I got all "fat" (unbelievable... I still weight less than I did in high school and in fact I tried on my Year 10 formal dress for a laugh and it was too big !!!) then I went back to what I committed to at the start of the round to see how much I kept my word.... you know what..... I'm on track with what I said I would do (with 1 issue).... problem is I set me goals to small and should have given more.... One problem with my little commitment is that I said I would stick within 2kg of 56kg..... so if I float up to 58kg then I'd knuckle down and get back down to 56..... dumb dumb dumb.... where am I going to fit in that 1kg of muscle I gained ??? have a treat one night and whooop over the 58kg mark..... I need to really give my goals and commitments far more thought.... and because I over achieved last round I didn't think I could back it up this round and in the end held myself back and then when the reins started slipping I put far far far too much pressure on myself overachieve again..... you know.... strut out at the finale party like I'd just stepped off of stage working it with Arnie (the old muscle man Arnie before he became a politician).... that was not what I wanted for me.... I wanted to just stay the same as I was when I finished last round..... silly silly me..... too much pressure and something will have to give... hello cookie world !!!!.....

It's the old story of comparing.... people do this program and compare themselves to others, weight loss, lifting power, fastest runner, fat percentages, biggest guns.... we forget who we are and where we want our journey to lead us..... I know I lost my way and met the Big Bad Wolf (he comes in Lemon and White Chocolate flavour and my favourite White Chocolate and Cranberry flavour)..... but you know what, that's ok. Because without travelling off the beaten path I wouldn't have realised some home truths about myself..... I do put too much pressure on myself. No one else gives a flying fruit bat if I turn up to the finale and have gained weight, lost my guns, have a little extra cushioning on the buns (how blissful would that be in a spin class !!!) whatever..... It's only me worried about it.... You know what !! Everyone will be too worried about themselves to see what I've done :)

Anyway... bit of a soap box post I know... but hey... next week I'll do a bit of a wrap up, decide whether to do "after" pics and maybe do a bit of forward help as I still get quite a few questions about "how I do it".... so I'll attack the main questions...

Till then XX

Oh food for thought..... PRESSURE.... Where does yours come from ??? Is it truly an outside influence eg your boss puts pressure on you or is a bit more internal..... ???? Take 5min and truly think about it...

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Thursday 20th October 2011 (Week 6, Round 3)

Well weigh in was up this week from last week, by 1.1kg and that's cool as I did have a munchy boozy weekend (I actually weighed in 3kg heavier on Monday and lost over 2kg in 2 days so ???). My little weight graph certainly looks like a roller coaster, but I keep reminding myself that I'm in maintenance mode, I don't want to lose weight and my weight will fluctuate with my lifestyle. I'm not going to sit exactly on a specific weight every single week. And this round, for me, is about setting it up for life. Yes I will have beer, meat pies, a slice of cake.... every now and then not all the time but I'm consistently healthy all the other times so it doesn't matter and I shouldn't let it matter to me. I'm happy with how I am and I still train to my absolute full potential so **shrugs** meh.... Live a little... Body for Life, not Life for Body....

Anyway... enough of that


Of late I’ve been asked about protein !! Now I’m assuming they aren’t talking about protein already in the body and what atoms, amino acids, bonds and chains there are, but protein shakes etc so here are my interpretations and ramblings about the mystical protein……

Basically protein is a key nutrient for the body. Without going into the nitty gritty of breaking down amino acids and polypeptides, it provides growth, building new tissue and also maintenance like repairing damaged tissues, organs (post surgery peeps may be asked to up their protein intake), and it does a lot more. It is a key to sports success as usually someone training heavily wants muscle growth and also the muscles are torn (microscopically of course) during training sessions and need continual repair and that’s where our friendly protein steps in. It is not really a “fuel” source for the body (as it has a small output) and carbs and fats are burned first but can be used if other fuel is low, like if you’re not eating enough !!!!

I hear nearly daily people will say that “you are training therefore you need to have protein shakes”

False !!!

Protein shakes, bars, cookies, puddings and god knows what else are all SUPPLEMENTS. They supplement where your diet (or lifestyle) cannot.

You can find many different sources of protein from whole foods such as milk, eggs, fish, meat, lentils and even veggies.

Now the recommended intake for protein is debatable… It depends on many variables. The recommended dietary intake (RDI) in Australia is roughly 1 gram per kilo of body weight.. EASY.. If you weigh 70kg then you have 70 gram of protein. Of course everyone has different needs and this is for a normal sedentary adult. See below for other recommended intakes.

Activity Level (Body weight/Day)
Gram of Protein/kg
Recreational Exerciser (adult)
Resistance – Trained (maintenance)
Resistance – Trained (gain muscle)
Endurance Trained
Intermittent, High Intensity Training
Weight Restricted Sports

Now it’s actually easy to get to these amounts when something as simple as an egg for breakfast has nearly 6 grams of protein… a small omelette of say and egg and 2 egg whites will give you a minimum of 12 grams of protein… that’s not including any other cheeses, milk, veggies added to your omelette. Say for lunch you have a chicken breast (with salad, on a sandwich, whatever) Just ½ a chicken breast is over 25 grams of protein… Dinner… Steak anyone?… a small/med 100g steak will have about 33gm of protein…. so what’s that just adding some basics up? 70gm of protein without even trying !!! Not including any drinks with milk, a yoghurt snack, cheese on that sandwich, some veggies with dinner etc etc…Geez even 2 x tablespoons of peanut butter will give you 8grams of protein !!!!

Now with all that said… I personally DO have a protein shake every intense training day !!! Why you ask when I would definitely have more than enough to cover my recommended intake…. One other great thing about protein is it helps you feel fuller for longer. After training I am RAVENOUS !!! Without that shake by the time I get home from the gym and prepare dinner I would have picked my way through a million extra calories not needed and my dinner portions will be rather over the top. So it’s my post workout snack and does the same job as my morning snack so I don’t go nuts for lunch :) The fact that it is a protein shake is because I can pop the powder in my gym bag and leave it in the car for the day and it will still be fine hours later for use after wrecking myself…. chicken fillet and broccoli would not fair as well :)

Now in saying protein shakes… Remember they do add onto your overall calories (if you’re counting)… And some add on a hell of a lot !!! The same as a full meal such as dinner !!!.... I recommend going to a health shop, talking to nutritionists, talking to basically any people truly in the know and deciding on one suitable for you as they can all be different. Protein powders can be casein, whey, egg, soy, rice and even pea. They react differently to your body. Something that works for someone else may not work for you !! Some have added stuff like caffeine and stimulants…..There are MANY different drinks out there !!!! I took about 4 years to find that perfect powder for me and now hope to god the company stays afloat, keeps making it, and doesn’t “upgrade” it…. Would be nice if the chocolate did actually taste like chocolate though….. :)

Protein bars, cookies etc etc also have their place !! A quick snack or maybe a treat, some of those bars are pretty yummy. I always pop a bar into my bag if I think I may just get held up at a do or going shopping, whatever… yes it’s processed crap at the end of the day, but to me it’s better than picking up a sausage on bread or something….. at least I’ll know I’m getting at least a little nutritional benefit along with the other preservatives….

One thing I should mention is you can have TOO MUCH protein… It puts a lot of stress on the ole kidneys and increases the formation of kidney stones (unfun). It also binds you…. yep… no number 2’s….and there is also research of the excretion of calcium through urine correlating with high protein diets so watch out for your bones people. Of course like all research tests will always continue so just be nice to your body and normal.

I hope this helps a bit and please keep in mind, this is MY PERSONAL interpretation. If you are truly puzzled over protein seek professional advice !!!


Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Wednesday 12th October 2011, (Week 5, Round 3)

Well it's been a long while since I've posted so here goes,

Firstly the binging continued for the first 4 weekends of this round and slowly started to get worse as I wouldn't just over eat the healthy stuff in the house, I'd actually go out and buy stuff as well. So I made a secondary commitment to not binge for the rest of this round with the thought that I can set up better habits again that I can take with me over Christmas... I have come to grips with the fact that I may binge again and "relapse", but all in all I CAN stop this from being a part of my regular life. I've done it before and can do it again. So far so good. It's been a week and although I've had a few extra snacks here and there, I've stayed accountable and not gone into a full blown eat the contents of the fridge binge. Happy days.

Secondly - Weight has been a bit up and down due to binges but now it's evening back out again and I'm within my 2kg swing allowance around that 56kg mark. So very happy I've got off the weight I gained through the binging. Today's weigh in was 56.4kg which is down 500g from last week. Happy days again.. as I have thrown the food diary and calorie counting out the window.. The way I see it at the moment is that I CANNOT expect to keep this up for the rest of my life. I don't know many people that are of healthy weight that will write down and count everything they eat. They just know when they've had enough and just eat within a healthy range. So I'm just eating all the planned meals still and just snacking when I'm hungry. Seems so easy to write it down, but with all the weight training my body is constantly telling me I'm hungry so I do have to be more mindful of what is true hunger and what is boredom, emotional and habit eating... My system isn't perfect, but I feel a weight has been lifted from my shoulders as I was putting too much pressure on myself to make everything perfect and be within exactly such and such amount of calories and only eating such and such..... I think putting myself under so much pressure may be what was causing the weekend food fests...... I am having dessert every night though which although is fine going by my body, I don't want to set up a habit. So will nip that in the bud starting tonight.

Last week was measure up and fitness test week (full results are under "Statistics" page), but generally my measurements stayed around the same which I expect as there isn't anything else for me to lose and in fact I'm expecting things to start going up a little with some muscle growth. My fitness test was super surprising as I was so so sore from the weeks worth of workouts.... Yes silly me didn't do the fitness test at the start of the week..... so even though I felt "broken" and sore and tired, on the Friday AFTER doing chest and back I pulled out the "JFDI" card and freaking gave it all I had. It was the closest to throwing up from training I've ever felt.... the fact that it was like 100 degrees as well didn't help.... but ALL tests showed improvements !!! I was one very happy camper.... VERY happy..... Biggest surprise I had was my flexibility test. Gained 3cm on my reach..... I honestly thought I was at my limit with that one, but looks like I'm not...

Now that we've touched on the program it's time for the mind food...... And this has been rolling around in my head since last round....

Last round my neighbour said "Kerri you've lost heaps of weight, what are you doing?, You look anorexic"... at the time it didn't bother me as I walked away thinking "so what, I can do 40 odd push ups off my toes and run 10km, what can you do?".... BUT

Why does it seem socially acceptable to say to someone "Wow, you've lost weight, what have you been doing, you look so thin"...

when if it was the opposite scenario NO ONE would come up to me and say "Wow, Kerri, what have you been doing you've got so fat"......

WHY !!!! What is this phenomenon that makes it ok to call someone thin, but not fat...??? I find being called "skinny", "thin", and especially "tiny" and of course "anorexic" really unnacceptable and I find on those days that it happens they are the days that I do tend to eat a lot more than I normally would..... and I spend more time worrying "am I too thin?".... So why is this socially acceptable to say ??? Is it due to the unnatural and incomprehensible media push that to be "beautiful" that you need to be model, stick thin, and therefore if you are in fact thin then it's ok to comment on such because that's what you must want? or is it the fact that every second ad on TV or in the media generally is yet another weight loss program, powder, pill, procedure or OMG so many to say.... therefore EVERYONE MUST want to be thin, and again therefore it must be ok to say you are thin....... ???

Yes, I'm smaller now than ever due to being healthy. BUT I'm the healthiest, fittest, fastest and strongest I've ever been in my life (even teens) and I do like the fact that I know I will find something off the rack that will fit and I can by something online and it too will fit..... but truly.... if I could be this fit and healthy and I'm a few dress sizes larger.... I think I would still be a happy camper.... I was unhappy as a size 12/14 when I first started 12wbt back in May 2011, but the unhappiness was because I was soft, hail damaged, and although I was of a healthy weight... I wasn't actually healthy.... I knew that.... I wasn't a worse case scenario, but I was far far far from the best version of myself, physically and mentally.....

So for this weeks food for thought maybe truly think over the next time you want to call someone skinny, thin, or tiny..... is it really what they want to hear ????

And also.... why is it socially acceptable to say someone is thin compared to saying someone has gained weight ???

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Wednesday 21st September 2011, Round 3, Week 2, Day 10

Well another Wednesday, another weigh in. I made it to 56.7kg so a 100g gain on last weeks result. But I guess since I've lost 1.7kg in 2 days I should be rather proud of my efforts. I am, but still can't quite let go of the fact I wasted all last weeks hard work on a stupid binge on the weekend... I don't think I'd be so upset if the binge was actually worth it, but it was just mindless..... anyway can't talk about it anymore because to talk about it is not letting it go.... Still not 100% yet and all I want to do is continue binging... which I haven't.... but anyway.... small steps...

Still loving the new food plans, especially the fact that it seems better planned than the last round. Last round I found I was just constantly cooking and creating but this round we've had sandwiches for lunch and we are cooking more for dinner and having left overs the next day for lunch which certainly takes away a bit of the stress of fitting everything in a day. We did a little of this last round, but this time it definitely seems far better.

Training seems a little easier than the first few weeks of last round (work wise that is, I'm still a bit stiff the next day of course)... and far shorter.... I'm usually done in an hour and last round I was always about an hour and a half so to be honest I'm kinda hoping it changes a little and we get more work (apologies to anyone else out there on time constraints for training, I'm lucky because I can finish work and have the rest of the arvo and night to train)..... and the SSS is definitely far easier than last round and I don't think it's because I'm fitter going into it. Last round I remember crying thinking this was waaaayyyy to hard, I actually remember doing 400m runs in between all the weight exercises and I kept telling myself that I wouldn't die doing it, I'd pass out first and someone would help me........ mind you I'd burn 1100 odd calories..... last Sat I only torched 294cal doing the weights section and another 150cal doing the set cardio section..... that's even lower than a normal day training towards the end of last round..... (I added on more cardio and abs to get a better figure).... I'm hoping (apprehensively) that we get a little more....

Today's mind food is about the word "TRY".... I'm starting to dislike it..... especially when I use it myself..... ok example

Try and click your right mouse button.......

How did you go ??

Did you click it ??

If you did click it, then you actually DID NOT TRY, you just did it..... INCREDIBLE HEY !!!

To me "TRYING" is just being inactive.... or a pre-emptive excuse.....  oh well I said I was going to try, but blah blah happened..... saying that you're trying is not actually starting an action..... Ok I'm sitting here thinking/saying "I'm going to try and do the laundry"...... funny.... laundry is still sitting there.....

Not good..... a very non-committal word.....

So food for thought today...... seriously how many times have you actually said you are going to  "try not drink as much this weekend", "try not have dessert after dinner", "try to save money", "try to wash the car this weekend", etc, etc, etc.... god we've all heard millions.....

Wouldn't it be nice and easier on the mind to just say, "I'm not going to have dessert after dinner", and just do it ????


Monday, 19 September 2011

I let a demon ruin a whole week !!!!!

It is with a very very heavy and ashamed heart I make this post..... My binge eating demon was unleashed yesterday and I decided to weigh in this morning and check the damage.... 58.4kg..... my start weight.... a whole week of precious calorie counting and heart wrenching workouts...... wasted....... for nothing......

I do not feel guilty as I chose to eat as much as I could find, all me, no one else, not advertising, books, magazines, some TV guru.... all me..... all "healthy" stuff, but nothing is "healthy" in a binge-a-thon...... where you try to eat the entire contents of your fridge and freezer..... thank god I don't have junk food in the house or it would have been eaten.... Oh tell a lie, I did have about a dozen Doritos I bought for the family..... The least of my binge worries.....

So today I am a very sad and shattered girl. I feel like a big fraud because people message, email and call asking for help and if someone called me and said "I'm about to go binging, what can I do?" I can think of at least 5 things straight off the top of my head...... why can't I heed my own advice ? I even did have all the stops in place knowing that I was on the road to a binge free recovery and relapsing is a risk, so I made a very busy day for myself and alas it went out the window with one little bite...... one nibble that turned a week of awesomeness to nothingness.....

A whole week of training undone...... a whole freaking week !!!!  In one freaking day !!!! In one freaking afternoon !!! Right now is when I tell a friend that it is ok, what's done is done and today is a beautiful new day and we can start again...... My own words seem hollow to my ears..... Empty and hollow.....

There was no trigger for my binge... no stress, no fight, no dilemma, no boredom, no craving.... nothing.... just an insatiable need to be in the process of putting something in my mouth..... and I was so freaking proud of myself last week when I didn't even eat my entire Skinny Cow sundae because I truly didn't feel like it and just put it down...... how can I go from being in ultimate control to an outer body experience watching myself eat screaming "NOOO" and crying internally with every bite...... how.... why

What a waste of a week !!!! Back to my start weight..... and I bloody stayed an extra hour after my SSS on Saturday to just do that bit more...... Got up at 5am to do some extra training in the mornings..... for nothing....

What has happened to me ? Last round I didn't even contemplate behaviour like this.... I thought I had changed and that I had thrown this demon back in it's cage.... What's happened ? Where is the strength and determination of Round 2? Why am I back to feeling miserable because I could not control my binging..... I thought I'd buried that person...... eat, feel miserable, eat, feel miserable..... and lets not forget the negative talk that the demon brings with it..... I'm exhausted...... This morning like a child I hid under my covers trying to escape the demon whispering to me to throw it all away, to stay in bed, to just give in...... along with other choice phrases wearing me down not fit for public viewing...... I let that demon take a little of my soul back that I worked so hard for..... I want this to stop..... and I'm starting to think that I might need help.... THERE WAS NO TRIGGER !!!! I JUST ATE AND COULD NOT STOP !!!!

I guess I'm back on the horse this morning. Well the robot mode of me is. I'm going through the motions of being the determined healthy little critter I was at the end of Round 2. I've eaten what Mish set out for me and I've got my gym clothes with me at work..... but my hearts not back with me yet..... Hopefully I can find my mojo again soon because I promised myself I wouldn't be this person ever again..... and I never break a promise.....

Friday, 16 September 2011

Friday 16th September 2011 (Round 3, Week 1, Day 5)

(Note: Weigh in and Fitness Results are all posted on the "Statistics" page)

Well we're already nearing the end of the first week of Round 3 and I must say it is so very very nice to get stuck back into planned training and nutrition. I thought I was doing rather well preseason with just a couple of missed gym sessions here and there and a few binge days.... guess I underestimated... I was still weighing in on Wednesdays and my weight was hanging around that 56kg mark, but for my preseason start weigh in I weighed in on the Saturday when I did all my other measurements..... guess binging on a Thursday and Friday did a fair bit of damage... I'm assuming after this weeks results for my Wednesday weigh in (1.8kg loss) I was fixing my binges through exercise before I was weighing in midweek and not realising the damage I was truly doing playing up on the weekends.... Well that's not happening anymore.... I also gained back 2% body fat so although I wasn't weighing more midweek and my clothes still felt like they were fitting (although I've gained some centimetres back).... the temple was being slowly trashed.... I've done a bucket load of research to my binge episodes and there seems to be a hell of a lot more to it than just a craving or a fancy for something sweet or savoury, so I'm working through that at the moment and want to put a lot of focus on it this round.... I've come a long way already in the last week but have a long way to go... Well at least I haven't had a full blown binge this week :)

I'm very happy with my fitness test results. and pretty much at least stayed roughly the same as at the end of Round 2 or bettered previous results.

Not much more to go through today to be honest. Just a little disappointed with my maturity towards food in the preseason, but I made the choices that undid a little of my hard work, so I just need to suck it up, own it and remember that I'll be back in condition in no time. Already back to within my 2kg swing of my goal weight and my head is coming back into it's rightful space so it's onwards and upwards from here.

Loving the new training and nutrition programs this Round too.... Really liked the Strawberry Bruschetta this morning for breakfast.... seriously tasty.....

Food for thought - We've all done it so what are some choices that you've made that have disappointed or upset you? Did you make amends? Did they hurt other people too? Can you still make a change to make amends? Do you actually want to ?...... XXX

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Wednesday 31st August 2011 (Preseason Round 3)

Well still happily maintaining my weight so a very happy camper :) - I've pulled back on my training a little and only do my "hard core" training in the afternoons at the moment and not my little half hour walk etc in the morning and I haven't done any cool incidentals like major distance runs or bike rides. I did do 3 days of 10km runs in the morning last week as well as my arvo training though as I felt HORRIFIC after a big weekend in Brisbane. After a fair few champers at the finale party, and feeling horribly hungover on Sunday I treated myself to a major breakfast and then for a extra treat later in the day thought I'd have one of my old favourite treats of a apple pie with cream and strawberry milkshake.... made it through perhaps half at most and was a very very sick girl... body completely rejected it..... it tasted nice for what it was, but it didn't feel like a treat or reward... it felt like punishment.... feeling green thinking about it.

In saying that though I did have a few extra treats through the week that I wouldn't normally have like a piece of birthday cake and some really lovely lollies.... My weight went up a little, but straight back down within 2 days of proper eating. I'm completely back to the healthy wholesome person that I've come to be though. There is a niggling inner voice telling me to have more more more treats.... but I truly don't want them as they aren't feeling like "treats"... Seriously need a new word other than "treat".....Think I might research this strange voice that actually tries to convince you to have something that you don't even want....

Round 3 preseason tasks are on track. I've set my goals, which has been very difficult as I overachieved my goals in the last round and am happy as I am so without wanting to lose weight etc I have focused more on getting my head right and try and work out things like the whole mind trying to convince me that I want something when I don't and the obsessive compulsive eater that has appeared here and there in the preseason weeks.

As for my commitment well;

"My commitment is to maintain the work that I’ve done in Round 2. I will stay around 56kg with a 2kg leeway. I will lose a further 2% body fat. I will build my social confidence by attending at least 1 group session a week being either a gym class or a social event. I will be a role model to others by walking the walk and inspiring by doing and not talking. I will be training 6 days a week per Mish’s schedule and following Mish’s eating plan. I will keep a daily food diary and blog/share my achievements as well as any breakdowns along the way. I will continue to be the best version of myself I’ve ever been in my life. I am a woman of my word. I never break a promise to a loved one and hence will not break this promise to myself because I deserve it."

I'm seriously looking forward to getting my new training and eating plans.... well mainly the training plans. I'm loving making my own eating plans as I actually use everything I buy instead of half a vegetable and the rest rots or is rabbit food..... That is something I will do differently this round. I'll follow Mish's eating plan, but I'll be making 2 serves of dinner and have the left overs for lunch so it's a bit less "stressful" and I will actually use an entire veggie instead of a half a capsicum and such...

Well I'll leave it there as I'm starving now and want a cup o tea too.....

Food for thought - When you look in the mirror do you truly, honestly like what you see. Think deeper than the outer shell as well.... would you like to make changes? have you started making changes? what would it take for a change to come ???? or are you happy with what you see/feel ?? :)


Thursday, 18 August 2011

Thursday 18th August 2011 - Preseason Round 3

Hello blogger world !!!!

It felt way too weird not updating after my weekly weigh in so after my reward on the weekend of my completely out of proportion steak and lobster dinner... Om nom nom nom... and glass of wine.... As of yesterday morning, I did actually gain 600gm taking me to 56.5kg.... I must say I am a little confused over this as my treat meal wasn't overly excessive and I didn't have garlic bread or anything before or dessert after etc... Mind you I feel a bit bigger too.... maybe water retention ??? who knows.... it is what it is. Since the treat on the weekend, I've been my usual overachieving self with my food intake and training and have tagged on a little extra training here and there to "make up for it".... Probably why I'm a little confused as to why I haven't drifted back down in weight... Mind you this morning I had lost 400gm of the weight..... anyway I'm not worried, just intrigued.... amazing machine this human body, but sometimes rhyme and reason seem to go out the window...

Anyways I want to use today as a recognition of my past/results/changes and my future (bring it round 3!!!) so today's post might be a little lengthy.... I want to recognise the past and move on to the next phase of ME !!! :)

What Round 2 Did To Me;

Well besides the actual statistics that I've already given you about my weight/fitness and strength I wanted to share a few of the other changes... i) I use to be on a constant weight roller coaster. I'd train and eat properly for about 3 months and get into shape (nothing anywhere near what I've achieved with Mish - lowest weight I've EVER got down to was 63kg and I was a happy girl then so you can imagine my delight now) and then for the following 6 months I would just throw everything out the window and eat and eat and eat and not train and basically trash my beautifully built temple and use it as a night club then once I got over that magical 70kg mark again I'd get the broom out and start cleaning up the temple again. Looking back...omg !!!... that was so exhausting and emotionally draining. I'd hate myself for what I'd done and beat myself up, HOW MEAN !!!. This has changed. It's stopped. The new me will NOT do that. That's not an affirmation or me trying to tell myself that, I simply am not that person anymore. ii) I'm not a doormat anymore. My entire life I've stepped back and let others have what I've wanted and I've gone without. Even for the essay question from Mish of "why do you deserve a prize" I started as my usual selfless self.... thinking along the lines of "I've already got my reward, my new body" and "others deserve it more than me as they've done the hard work too and had more obstacles".... then I thought "HANG ON A MINUTE" I do deserve recognition for my achievements...... Major change.... Actually saying "yes I do deserve this".... Basically putting myself on par with everyone else instead of always below or subservient... I think this is huge... Over 30 years of stepping aside, but no longer. I'm still the meek, mild and tentatively introverted me... but I'm certainly a LOT more assertive (and I don't need a drink to do it :)) iii) I'm not mean to myself anymore !!! I use to always say horrid things to myself, 'you're not worth it, you'll always have that fat arse, you've had hail damage since you were 14, it's not going anywhere and you're wasting your time'... along with choice names like loser and failure... I'm nice to me now. I deserve that. I congratulate myself on great work outs, I tell myself that the dress looks lovely on me.... all the good stuff... and when I hear that nasty bully try and hurt me I laugh and tell it to grow up and stop being jealous of my wonderful achievements..... lol iv) I'm not an emotional eater anymore, but an emotional trainer.... yup that's right, instead of working the leftovers out of the fridge I'm working my arse off at the gym and it's by far more rewarding and I certainly feel better for it v) I can control my binges. I CHOOSE now whether to let myself have something or not. Food does not control me anymore. I may still think of food more often than a normal being, but instead of a glimmer of a craving and I'm hitting the snacks, I react so much more maturely and stop, breathe, recognise whether I'm hungry or craving, where is the craving coming from etc.... and I DECIDE to have it or not... not the mindless munchfest that use to be me vi) This may sound odd, but I can actually buy clothes that fit... even online !! I was a size to a size and a half out of proportion from the top of my body to the bottom so dresses and swimwear never fit properly... Hard to get a dress with a size 12/14 arse and a 10 top :)... no longer... same size all the way through now and very very happy to buy clothes... use to HATE clothes shopping and found it humiliating... Big smiles (and expenses) now though :)

What About Round 3?

Well I think my goal setting may just be a little harder this time as I overachieved in Round 2, but I want to keep this temple maintained and look after it. I don't mind if I get more/less muscly etc, but as long as it's maintained and my clothes fit and I remain fit, strong and healthy, then happy days ahead. To be honest I didn't realise just how different I would look at the end of this. I thought I'd look smaller, more firm and less fat... I did not in anyway expect muscle.... I like :).... where was I? ahh yes, this round.... I want to spend a lot more time in the mind gym in Round 3 and push myself beyond what I find to be some really uncomfortable situations. I get very very anxious and scared of group situations. Whether it's talking, training, meeting, greeting, personal or work related, face to face, online, video or on the phone.... I'm socially awkward. Well.....I FEEL very awkward and uncomfortable. I have to push myself to socialise in these situations because I'm so fearful of coming across as an idiot or offending someone and mainly I think people are judging me or laughing at me. So more group classes will be done and I have a goal of AT LEAST 1 a week and not just RPM where I can hide in the dark on my bike. Actual interactive sessions.... Time to come out of the shell. Gawd watch out world !!!! On another note I want to achieve 3 push ups with claps in a row as well because it's coming across as my Achilles heel and also wide grip chin ups unassisted. I can do close reverse grip ones pretty easily, but the wide grip ones are still challenging.... but not for long ;)

Well I think that's enough... If you've made it this far through... thank you and well done :) XX

So to wrap it up. I think my Round 2 results were phenomenal I lost over 8kg, over 7% in fat, 2 dress sizes, over 40cm in total from the body and a bucket load of emotional baggage... The photos don't show that.... holy snapping turtles.... over 40cm off my body !!! NO WONDER I "THREW OUT" 4 RUBBISH BAGS OF CLOTHES THAT DON'T FIT !!!! Yay to me, pat on the back.... (there's that self recognition again :), better than "but look at all the work you have left to do spongebob arse!!!".... hey....)

And Round 3 is getting mind fit and a few strength challenges too.... So very very content and happy with life right now...

OH !!!!! My 3 month goal for Round 2 was to get pro pics done.... I chickened out (of course), but am now back in the game and have to committed to getting them done within the next 6 to 8 weeks... just have to get some other stuff over and done with first.... so YAY !!! another goal on the road to being accomplished.... and I came out of my shy shell to commit to them..... So watch this space... It might have some pretty cool pics !!!

Thanks for hanging in there with me all this way and from now on it's all systems go for Round 3 and moving forward from Round 2....


Food for thought - When was the last time you gave yourself a pat on the back for something ???? Do you think it's about time ??? Do it.... It feels rather nice.... X

Monday, 15 August 2011

Monday 15th August 2011 (All done and dusted.... well for now :) )

Well that's Round 2 of 12wbt for 2011 all done and over... sadly enough.... I finished with my "300" workout which I completed in about 26min (happy days) and then on Sunday as a last "Hurrah" did a 15.54km run.... Very happy with the run as I've done absolutely no running training although it would have been a good idea as I'm rather sore today and I don't just mean the blisters on my toes.... Hamstrings and calves are absolutely singing.... might do an upper body workout tonight and give the legs a rest....

It's been a wonderful rollercoaster and I loved every..... well MOST minutes of I'm still in my "after glow" and continue smiling at the thought of what I've achieved and my breakdowns and breakthroughs throughout the last 12 weeks.... phew there's been some emotions there.....

I've signed up and am all ready for Round 3.... so I look forward to even more challenges ;)

Watch this space, more achievements and updates to come XXX

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Wednesday 10th August 2011, Week 12, Day 79, Final Weigh In for Round 2

Well well well..... where to start.....

Lets start with the stats shall we.....

Final weigh in 55.9kg - total weight loss this round 8.6kg, which is 13.33% of me...

Chest - 79cm - Lost 5cm in total since week 1

Waist - 64cm - 11cm gone in total

Hips - 84cm - 10cm gone in total

Thighs - 49.5cm each - 7.5cm gone from each leg in total

Body Fat - 18.9% - which equates to 7.3% loss over the 12 weeks..... which is mind blowing !!!! I can't believe it... It was my main focus to be leaner and not a skinny fat person.... Very very happy..... today I'm definitely shufflin !!!!!

When it comes to my fitness;

4min 25sec for my 1km run time trial. Now this is 28sec SLOWER than week 8 (but 1min 6sec faster than the start).... but I've done it, processed it, discarded all the excuses and now own it. Yes I didn't do very well at all this time, but it's not the end of the world and it gives me something to aim for next time.....

I did 6min 49sec on my wall sit which was 2min 3sec better than week 8 and 3min 46sec longer than my first attempt at the start of the round.

49 push ups in 1min off my toes, which is 9 more than week 8 and my first attempt in week one I could only manage 19 off my toes and 22 off my knees.... damn I was aching for 50.... just couldn't quite push it out.... next time ;).

+12cm on sit and reach test which is 1cm more than week 8, and 8cm better than week 1....

Another little achievement I have (thanks to my body composition scales) are in week 4 (when I received the scales) I had a metabolic age of 21 (good for a 33 year old), but now I have the metabolic age of a 12 year old !!!! Hell yeah...

And my visceral fat (the stuff around my organs not the stuff just under the skin) is now a level 1.... which is the lowest it can be.... no heart attacks for me !!!!

Now the important stuff.....


One of my goals was to recognise my "binge" mode, the why, how, when etc etc. To do this I kept a food diary EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR 12 WEEKS !!!!, at the bottom of the page I would write how I felt emotionally, if I had cravings, how I felt physically etc etc. Although there is still a few binge thoughts that come through out of completely no where... I can so easily identify when I'm actually physically hungry over a craving, boredom eating, emotional eating, habitual eating etc etc etc.... I must admit I would take a whole day training in the gym over trying to train the mind !!!!


I also delved into WHY I have this "keep eating, even when you feel sick", full blown, animalistic, crazy person binge mode where absolutely everything in the fridge and freezer would be under attack..... Well aside from the chemical reaction within the body/brain that I've found in the researching this amazing feat of eating I can do. I found that I seem to have "inherited" it from my Dad. Now I don't know if it's genetic, or whether I've adopted his all you can eat habit from seeing it as a child.... but alas, I've also got my Mum's will power so there's at least a balance... ;)

I've also changed as a person. I have so much more self confidence, self respect, drive, determination, self worth and so so much more....

Generally I've become a better version of myself, and even if I do say so myself, the best version of myself that I've ever been.

Where to go from here ??

Well I'm doing Round 3 so expect more updates. My goals in round 3 will certainly be less ambitious than this round, because I'm so very happy with how and who I am right now that I don't really want to change it all that much.

I've also inspired some friends and acquaintances to join, so I'll be in the next round as well to support them on their journey if they wish.... This has humbled me so so very much. There was no hard sell of the program, no preaching from a podium, just leading by example, quietly achieving, turning up to the gym every single day, eating/drinking mindfully and by sharing my amazing journey.... If you go to the photos section of my blog you'll find some after photos.... yes it's taken me a couple of days to grow a set to post them, but if it inspires just one single person to take a healthier road in their life and live a little longer for themselves, their family and children then strutting my stuff in a bikini seems a small price to pay...

So for right now I'm signing off.... But I'll be back next week of course... pre-season Round 3 starts and I'm excited !!!


If anyone wants to get a taste of a workout from Mish.... This is mine for this Saturday... feel free to give it a go and let me know how you go !!!! It's a beauty !!!

300 x push ups
300 x reverse pull ups (basically lying under a barbell and pulling yourself up like a reverse of a push up....
300 x squats.....

Take as long as you need but don't give up because "today we do what others won't, so tomorrow we achieve what others can't".....

I also want to take this opportunity to thank

Krystal, Elle, SammyT, Collie, The Darwin Crew Facebook Team, The Lean & Strong Facebook Team, everyone in the forums, The Fernwood girls, Vanessa of Wicked NRG, 12wbt admin team (Gabi and Kelly esp) and ambassadors and Mish.....

I'm not going all mushy and long winded about it.... but thank you... from the bottom of my heart...

Monday, 8 August 2011

Monday 8th August, 2011 (Week 12) Day 77

Well my empowered, amazing, strong and incredible feeling has turned into a strange emotional roller coaster ride in this last week. I'm happy that I've accomplished an amazing feat, worried I'll dip back into old habits, and I'm being really mean to myself and doubtful of my amazing results.... I'm not sure why but asking myself "have I done enough?", "could I have done better?", "Will Mish be proud of what I've done?", "Am I on par with everyone else?", etc etc

Now I've always been the logical level headed thinker and I know that I have indeed done enough as I am so so happy with my new healthy strong body so where is all this coming from ?? Are others in this final week feeling the same? Is it because this incredible journey is coming to a bit of an end ? And by end I mean this round, this new lifestyle will definitely continue and I've put my name down for another round so I can end the year on a nice high before Christmas...... my life is anew.... I'm not that crazy person anymore not really truly caring about my health...

So why am I stressed, anxious, worried, and basically just being a bit silly ??? Is the fear of success ??? Is it a strange feeling of "do I deserve this?".... Is it fear of change? Maybe I'm worried that now I've changed my healthy lifestyle then other things in my life are due to change too.....

Who knows...

But it's the eve of fitness tests, final weigh ins, final measurements, after photos..... and to be honest I'm a little scared that my after photos won't reflect the undying, unwavering, woman possessed training that I've been doing and my damn near angelic nutrition (even if I do say so myself)..... I guess we'll know in the next 48 hours hey.....

Food for thought..... Have you ever feared success/change ? Why? Was it worth the worry??? Did everything work out just fine in the end?.....

Well I know I'll be back to my effervescent self soon and be bouncing off the walls again delirious with happiness due to my achievements.... or at the least getting use to my new condensed version of my self :)

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Thursday 4th August, 2011, Week 11, Day 74

Well another week down and only 1 more to go. I must say it's gone by quicker than I expected. I will put on a larger blog next week for the final weeks results but for now I've lost another 500gm this week, which of course, is a surprise considering Darwin Cup was a lovely excessive day..... good times...

Will write again soon.


Darwin Cup Races Monday 1st August 2011

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Wednesday 27th July 2011, (Day 65, Week 10)

Well it’s that time of the week again and I weighed in at 56.9kg. I’m very happy to see that, bit disappointed about how I put the weight on with a myriad of cocktails and wedges, but I’m happy to have kept some of the weight. So technically (well what I have to give to Michelle) I’ve gone up 700gm this week.

I’m keeping in mind that I weighed in on Saturday at 57.7kg (1.5kg heavier thanks to munch fest) so between Saturday and this morning I’ve lost 800gm…. In just 3 days…. More more food to come….

I have a “red flag” this week being cup day, but I’m going to do what I did for the Chief Ministers Cup and just be smart about it. Train in the morning, eat a great meal before I leave, pack healthy snacks but still enjoy my day without worrying about everything I’m drinking on top of my meals. Kinda risky being so close to the program finish line… but it’s my favourite day of the year, the last public holiday of the year and also the last social event in Darwin before wet season starts, so I’m enjoying it with no remorse….. :D

Food for thought…… what do you do to motivate yourself to do something? Self talk? Bribery? Promise of a reward when the task is done?.... do you find even after doing something for a while you still need to do these things to keep doing the task???

Motivation gets you started – Habit keeps you going

Monday, 25 July 2011

Monday 25th July 2011 (Day 64, Week 10)

Well I missed last weeks update…. Busy busy busy so here goes.

Wednesday weigh in found that I had dropped to 56.2kg…. which astounded me as I’ve been eating everything healthy I can get my hands on and the Tuesday before weigh in ate no carbs and replaced that with protein, so by bed time I felt so full I felt ill…. So back to the ole drawing board….

I also had my fitness test which found me 21sec faster on my 1km time trial, I was able to do 40 push ups off my toes in 1 minute, able to hold my wall sit 55sec longer and being 1cm more flexible. Not bad. I feel now I am hitting a plateau. I don’t seem to have changed much size wise over the last couple of weeks and I don’t think my muscle definition has changed at all either so I’m getting rather nervous as I think my photos in week 12 will be the same as my halfway ones and that would be disappointing considering the work I’ve put in.

On Friday I had a session at the casino with my brothers and although I started like an angel, by late night we were hitting the cocktails and I devoured a massive amount of wedges with all the trimmings, which was HEAVEN !!! It was so nice to just eat and when I got home I was starving and happily cooked up some sweet potato chips and some spinach and ricotta pastries and they were HEAVEN as well. It was nice to feel full instead of satisfied…. Needless to say internally unhappy for the rest of the weekend…. It was fantastic and delicious at the time, but the body did not like it at all…. So have to try and keep that in mind for future “sessions”…. I wouldn’t change it for the world though, great time with my brothers….

It has been mentally difficult to go back into my nutritional food however, as it felt fantastic to just eat without worrying about the content, portion etc etc etc….. Last night I had a bit over my allotted food and did feel a little bad as it was just a “give in” to a craving and it’s the first time I’ve done it in the 10 weeks of the program so it played on my mind a bit, so back on track today. A good thing (well in a way) was that I weighed myself Saturday morning after the session and I had gained about 1.5kg… not a healthy way to gain the weight back, but it was nice to see and I went straight to the gym and it was fantastic training and feeling absolutely full and with excess fuel to burn. Even hungover I did better than other sessions I’ve had. I’ll be interested to see if I maintain a bit of that weight gain this week for weigh in. My inner control keeps telling me to “try and make up for it” either through watching food closer (is it possible?) or train more, but I really want to try and keep that weight on.

I’ve decided to do the next round of 12wbt that starts mid August. I’m happy with the body, but mentally I think I’ll be happy to just go back to my old binge “all you can eat” ways so I think I need a bit more “mental training” from Mish. Especially after this weekend…. Certainly an eye opener…. I can recognise when it’s a craving etc, but for some reason this pass weekend I didn’t care enough to ignore it….

Next round though I’m going to start with not counting every single thing I’m consuming and just eat healthy and train and see what happens. If the weight creeps on too much I can always go back to the control I have now and lose it again. I think I need to let go of the control a little or instead of this being my new lifestyle, and the choices automatic, it will end up a phase I go through and I’ll keep on going up and down substantial weights as I have previously. I know what I need to eat so I’m just going to do it without the counting. I’ll still keep a diary of food as it helps, but not as seriously as I am at the moment.

Anyway.. that’s about all for now…

Food for thought…. What is a habit that you currently have that is either of poor health or simply annoys you ? Have you ever tried to change it ? Are you in denial you have a habit ??? I was told once that it takes 21 days to change/stop a habit……