Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Wednesday 15th June 2011 (Day 24) - Week 4 Major Measurement Day

Well another Wednesday and another weigh-in….. not overly happy with this week’s result of a loss of a mere 600gm. I’ve certainly put in the work and nutrition to reach 1kg and it really has upset me. I’m training like a freaking athlete and eating like a saint for petes sake. I understand everyone is different and losses will differ and all that psycho babble, but at the end of the day I put in more than enough effort and sweat to get a better result than I did.

It doesn’t help sometimes when you see other people have a bit of an off week and people say “well a loss is a loss”….. doesn’t take away the fact how hard you worked doesn’t equate……  I’m loving people saying also that you have to have a deficit of at least 7,000 calories per week to achieve a 1kg loss….. My deficit was 6,456….. 100cal more than last week (1kg loss last week) and I still only achieved 600gm…..  Sometimes when people are being nice and helping it’s actually hurting because you are already doing all in your power to achieve your goals….. it’s just a bad week…… breathe in and out...... phew......

I can’t dwell on that and am going to finish this no matter the figures on paper….. or set backs….. or upsets…… I'm in the weight range I want to be in and I need to stay focus and not get sidetracked by numbers on scales.... weight loss is not my goal.

ANYWAY – Moving along…. to the better stuff…..

Today is also the day we get to measure and check figures (other than weight) from when we first started. In summary

Chest – lost .05cm
Waist – lost 4cm
Hips – lost 6cm (wtf ?? – yes I did check a few times)
Thighs – lost 3.5cm each (another wtf ???)
Weight – lost 4kg exactly…. guess when it's evened out over the 4 weeks it seems a lot better.....

For me the body fat percentage is my main focus and I started in the average (for females my age) range at 26.2%. My goal was to get to 25% by week 4. Well this morning I was 26.4% and had a cry, at 4.15pm I was 21.6% and when I got home I was 24.6%.... You've got to be joking ! seriously !..... a 5% swing in 1 day ???? I've decided to go with 24.6% as it seems the most realistic to me. 5% loss in 4 weeks seems far too much.....  1.6% is good enough for me and seems the most reasonable.....

My fitness test is also completed and results are in:

1km run time trial – 4min 18sec (down 1min 13sec) – surprised at that as it felt like I was running forever !!!!!
Push Ups in 1min – 33 off toes plus 11 off knee (up 14 off toe, down 11 off knee - up only 3 in total)
Wall Sit (doing a squat against the wall) – held for 3min 51sec (up 48sec)
Reach Test – 10cm (a further 6cm from 4 weeks ago)

I must admit, typing that gives me a sense of achievement and pride and damn I feel pretty freaking good about it….. I’ve still got another 2 fitness tests to do in weeks 8 & 12 and I just can’t see how much faster I can run etc…. how far can the human body be pushed ???

Well I'm starving and have a healthy spaghetti bolognaise waiting for me.... I must say I freaking love the food on this journey.... Good variety, although I feel most of the time I'm still starving..... will find the balance soon.....

Hmmmm what should be food for thought tonight ?????

How do you handle upsets and setbacks (both in training and life) ??? Do you raid the fridge and wallow in pity or do you get off your butt and try and make a change ????? Do you throw in the towel or throw on your shoes and work even harder ??? What do YOU do ???

~~~~~~~ Train the mind and the body will follow ~~~~~~~~~

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