Wednesday 27 July 2011

Wednesday 27th July 2011, (Day 65, Week 10)

Well it’s that time of the week again and I weighed in at 56.9kg. I’m very happy to see that, bit disappointed about how I put the weight on with a myriad of cocktails and wedges, but I’m happy to have kept some of the weight. So technically (well what I have to give to Michelle) I’ve gone up 700gm this week.

I’m keeping in mind that I weighed in on Saturday at 57.7kg (1.5kg heavier thanks to munch fest) so between Saturday and this morning I’ve lost 800gm…. In just 3 days…. More more food to come….

I have a “red flag” this week being cup day, but I’m going to do what I did for the Chief Ministers Cup and just be smart about it. Train in the morning, eat a great meal before I leave, pack healthy snacks but still enjoy my day without worrying about everything I’m drinking on top of my meals. Kinda risky being so close to the program finish line… but it’s my favourite day of the year, the last public holiday of the year and also the last social event in Darwin before wet season starts, so I’m enjoying it with no remorse….. :D

Food for thought…… what do you do to motivate yourself to do something? Self talk? Bribery? Promise of a reward when the task is done?.... do you find even after doing something for a while you still need to do these things to keep doing the task???

Motivation gets you started – Habit keeps you going

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